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Frame KOMONO Alvie Marshmallow Silver Matte
Frame KOMONO Alvie Marshmallow Silver Matte
Frame KOMONO Alvie Marshmallow Silver Matte
Frame KOMONO Alvie Marshmallow Silver Matte

Frame KOMONO Alvie Marshmallow Silver Matte

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$ 155

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The Alvie frame from Belgian brand KOMONO is a bold take on a practical accessory. Modern design and style that inspire. An amazing palette of colors and avant-garde aesthetics from the heart of Antwerp.

Frames are a fairly optimal and popular solution. You can choose a beautiful, comfortable and stylish frame, and then add optical lenses for vision correction, with protection against ultraviolet light or against the blue light of screens. Each model has an original and thoughtful design. The comfortable frame does not press or fall off. It is designed for long-term wear and suitable for all occasions.

Alvie Marshmallow Silver Matte is a beige round frame from the Mixed Matter collection. An exquisite combination of eco-acetate and stainless steel. Ecological cellulose acetate is a natural material made from plants. Hypoallergenic, light, durable and resistant to damage. The nose pads are built into the frame.

Special care of the model is not required. A soft microfiber cloth for wiping and a stylish, handy case are included.

More information about KOMONO can be found on our blog.

Довжина дужки, mm : 147
Колір лінз : Clear
Колір оправи : White
Матеріал лінзи : Acrylic
Матеріал оправи : ECO ACETATE
Розмір окулярів : L
Ширина лінзи : 53
Ширина окулярів, mm : 143
Тип товару
Product category : Frames
Тип товару : Оправа
Характеристики годинників
Країна бренду : Бельгія


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  1. Оплата після отримання (готівковий та безготівковий розрахунок).
  2. Оплата через застосунок WayForPay який дає можливість оплатити карткою або оформити оплату частинами від Monobank, ПриватБанк, Райффайзен банк, Ощадбанк.


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  1. Самовивіз з магазину.
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