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Time is the art of living
Time is the art of living
Time is the art of living
Time is the art of living
Time is the art of living
Time is the art of living
Time is the art of living
Time is the art of living

Time is the art of living

In Stock
$ 107
In Stock | SKU: YC-05

This necklace is made with green peridot and opal, two natural stones that have held special significance since ancient times. Peridot, a stone of incredible beauty with a color as vibrant as spring grass, is considered a symbol of wealth and is even referred to as the "golden stone" - a direct translation from Greek. Jewelry made from this stone is worn to attract luck, provide support in difficult situations, and accompany significant life changes. Opal, on the other hand, is a stone of faith, compassion, and love, often used to enlighten the mind, dispel fears, and eliminate negative thoughts. In this necklace, both opal and green peridot serve as the dots and dashes of Morse code, encoding an important phrase: "Time is the art of living." This message embodies the ability to find joy in the small, everyday moments of life, to discover new adventures and experiences, to expand one's horizons, and to fill life with vivid impressions. The necklace, with its hidden phrase, encourages you to view your life as a work of art, where you are the master artist, and it is within your power to make each day meaningful and valuable.

Category of the product: Necklace.

Length: 38.5 cm + 5 cm extension chain.

Materials: 3-4 mm diameter green peridot (sourced from India), Ethiopian opal.

Hardware: Stainless steel.


Варіанти оплати замовлення:

  1. Оплата після отримання (готівковий та безготівковий розрахунок).
  2. Оплата через застосунок WayForPay який дає можливість оплатити карткою або оформити оплату частинами від Monobank, ПриватБанк, Райффайзен банк, Ощадбанк.


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Важливо: діє безкоштовна доставка при замовленні від 10 000 грн. та оплаті замовлення на сайті.

Варіанти доставки:

  1. Самовивіз з магазину.
  2. Доставка у відділення “Нова Пошта”.
  3. Кур’єрська доставка “Нова Пошта”.

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